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Queen's Blade Wiki
Faith: Elina's Unshakable Bond


Kanji' 信義!エリナ揺るぎなき絆
Rōmaji Shinji! Erina Yuragi Naki Kizuna
Air date August 25. 2010
Opening Theme None
Ending Theme Bitōshi Carnival: Taoreru Toki wa Maemuki ni
Episode Guide
Episode 24
Episode 26

"Faith: Elina's Unshakable Bond" is the twenty-fifth episode of the Queen's Blade anime.


After winning the tournament, Leina takes her solo leave, leaving Claudette as the de facto ruler of Gainos. Tomoe has returned to Gainos and starts a journey with Aldra. At the Vance castle, various nobles living nearby are not too happy that Leina won the Queen's Blade tournament and have formed a joint army to attack the castle. Elina manages to hold off the invading forces long enough for her father to escape, but she is defeated by Echidna (who was hired by the nobles) and captured. Having collected her reward and having nothing better to do, Echidna sticks around and teases Elina by tickling her for a while using her pet snake, but Elina is adamant that Leina will come and rescue her. Elina remembers that she and Leina were very close after their mother had passed away, but as the sisters grew up Leina became more distant. Time has passed and the nobles are ready to execute Elina. As the archers get ready to shoot Elina, she begins to doubt whether her sister will actually come and rescue her. At the last possible moment, Leina shows up, defeats the enemy soldiers and saves Elina. While Leina rescued Elina, Echidna watches from the sidelines with amusement. After being saved, Elina convinces Leina to share a bath and sleep together. The next morning, Elina challenges Leina to a fight and if Leina loses then she has to stay by Elina's side forever. Leina easily disarms Elina and sets off on her trip once again. Echidna comes down to ask Elina if it's okay to let Leina go, and Elina states that it's okay because Leina promised that one day she, Elina and Claudette would live together. For now, Leina has asked Elina to go to Gainos and help Claudette, and Elina becomes a commander at Gainos and receives a brand new outfit.

Queen's Blade
Airi (G) • Aldra (G) • Alleyne (G) • Cattleya (G) • Claudette Vance (G) • Echidna (G) • Elina Vance (G) • Irma (G) • Leina Vance (G) • Melona (G) • Melpha (G) • Menace (G) • Nanael (G) • Nowa (G) • Nyx (G) • Risty (G) • Shizuka (G) • The Swamp Witch (G) • Tomoe (G) • Ymir (G)
QB: Rebellion
Annelotte (G) • Branwen (G) • Eilin (G) • Izumi (G) • Laila (G) • Liliana (G) • Luna Luna (G) • Mirim (G) • Sainyang & Tarnyang (G) • Sigui (G) • Yuit and Vante (G)
QB: Grimoire
Alicia (G) • Cinderella (G) • Despina (G) • Goldie (G) • Gretel (G) • Kaguya (G) • Seiten (G) • Snow White (G) • Tiina (G) • Zara (G)
Queen's Gate
Akane 'Jubei' Yagyu (G) • Alice (G) • Cham Cham (G) • Dizzy (G) • Ink Nijihara (G) • Iroha (G) • Ivy (G) • Junko Hattori (G) • Kan'u (G) • Kasumi (G) • Katja (G) • Lili (G) • Mai Shiranui (G) • Mina Majikina (G) • Noel Vermillion (G) • Painkiller Kotone (G) • Pyrrha Alexandra (G) • Suchie-Pai (G) • Taki (G) • Wonder Momo (G) • Yukimura Sanada (G)
Spiral Chaos
AineAniAraneAryutta KatzCerateCharlotteCuteDoraHyuminaJeanLamicaLunaMaron MakaronMelissaPlumPuiaRanshel & SushelStellaTenkoTinoWeiss
Queen's Blade: White Triangle
JoanMeiTaylorProtagonist (White Triangle)FamiliarAoiReal Aoi
Queen's Blade: Limit Break
Minor Characters
AnaristaBelphe & DogorChild Of The DragonCount VanceCyanDelmoreDoguraDorothyFiotiel ShalaklardFlorelleFunikuraGlindaGreat Snake DemonHachielHansHead AngelHelosiumKanimKyuelLewisLinshangMaria VanceMargrave KreutzMichel RivarancielMime & MeenaOwenRanaSeabed KingSetraSiamTokiwa
Queen's X
Homura AkemiStella (DQ3)The Seven Stakes of Purgatory
Wandering Warrior
Inheritor of the Throne
Beautiful Fighters
(OVA: 12 ) 123456789101112Omake
Vanquished Queens
Books & Manga
Bitoshi Series
(Bitoshi Retsuden) 123 (Bitoshi Senki) 123
Sword Of The Unicorn
Vanquished Queens
Queen's Gate
AnthologyExiled WarriorHide & SeekStrugglePrincess Knight of the Blue StormZero
Another StoryCombat BooksExcellentExcellent 2FAQsFierce BattleNoble OathOfficial Visual Fun BooksPerfect Visual BookWhite Triangle Art Book
Spiral Chaos
An Angel's ScoldingBattleQB iMobileMusha-Miko Snake HellThe ColosseumThe ConquestThe DuelWhite Triangle
Miscellaneous Media
AmaraCalibara ForestDemon's GateElven ForestGainosGemstone MountainGreat Wall BorderHeavenHinomotoIron MountainKreutz MargraviateLarge Fang MountainLittle Elf ForestMel Fair LandShai-FangSheldan Free CityThe Queen's GateZanef
Holy PosesLocationsMusicQueen's Blade (Tournament)World Races