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Queen's Blade Wiki
Fighter of The Rebellion


Kanji' 叛乱の闘士
Rōmaji Hanran no Tōshi
Air date April 3, 2012
Opening Theme You Can Hear the Song of Life
Ending Theme Future is Serious
Episode Guide
Episode 32
Episode 34

"Fighter of The Rebellion" is the thirty-third episode of the Queen's Blade anime.


At a coastal town, Annelotte battles the pirate Captain Liliana and her flying ghost ship. Annelotte, as the masked rebel, is wanted throughout the land and the news of her latest battle spread to the town of Lamat, where little elf Yuit is the president of the local newspaper. After discussing the news with her assistant Taira, Yuit and her automaton Vante save a poor young girl Mirim from being picked on by two soldiers. Information of the automaton travels back to Gainos and gains the attention of Ymir, who is now a trusted associate of Claudette, and Sigui, who hates alchemy/automatons due to her fundamentalist beliefs. Ymir personally travels to Lamat to summon Yuit and Vante to Gainos because she wants the technology that Vante possesses. Yuit agrees to go along with Ymir's forces because she didn't want to fight inside the town, but once outside Yuit has Vante toss all of the soldiers into the river. However, Ymir has foreseen this and has her sights set on Yuit's house.

As Yuit and Vante are traveling back to town, the two of them are confronted by Elina who is now the leader of the Assassins of the Fang. Elina battles Yuit/Vante and in the battle Yuit is knocked off Vante. Yuit drops her remote for Vante down a cliff and is stuck hanging at the edge. Vante is now defenseless and Elina goes in for the kill, but Annelotte appears to make the save. Yuit recognizes Annelotte because Yuit has been to the Kreutz house years before. However, Yuit is surprised to find out that Annelotte is a woman due to the fact that Annelotte was raised as a male (Alphonse) at the Kreutz castle. To gain the advantage on Annelotte, Elina uses her whip sword to knock Yuit off the edge. Annelotte turns to try to save Yuit which leaves her open to Elina, but Annelotte activates her power and summons her spectral steed which sends Elina flying with a back kick. Annelotte then rides her horse down the cliff and tosses Yuit to safety before riding away. Yuit comes to and finds her remote nearby. As Yuit and Vante make their way back into town, they are informed by Yuit's assistant that the alchemy gem in Yuit's house is missing. Meanwhile, Ymir is heading back to Gainos in her car with Yuit's gem in her hand. Ymir has also taken Mirim due to the interesting properties she has detected in Mirim. Ymir promises to pay Mirim lots and take care of Mirim's family if Mirim listens to everything she says. Back in Gainos, Sigui has been dispatched to a village suspected harboring heretics.

Queen's Blade
Airi (G) • Aldra (G) • Alleyne (G) • Cattleya (G) • Claudette Vance (G) • Echidna (G) • Elina Vance (G) • Irma (G) • Leina Vance (G) • Melona (G) • Melpha (G) • Menace (G) • Nanael (G) • Nowa (G) • Nyx (G) • Risty (G) • Shizuka (G) • The Swamp Witch (G) • Tomoe (G) • Ymir (G)
QB: Rebellion
Annelotte (G) • Branwen (G) • Eilin (G) • Izumi (G) • Laila (G) • Liliana (G) • Luna Luna (G) • Mirim (G) • Sainyang & Tarnyang (G) • Sigui (G) • Yuit and Vante (G)
QB: Grimoire
Alicia (G) • Cinderella (G) • Despina (G) • Goldie (G) • Gretel (G) • Kaguya (G) • Seiten (G) • Snow White (G) • Tiina (G) • Zara (G)
Queen's Gate
Akane 'Jubei' Yagyu (G) • Alice (G) • Cham Cham (G) • Dizzy (G) • Ink Nijihara (G) • Iroha (G) • Ivy (G) • Junko Hattori (G) • Kan'u (G) • Kasumi (G) • Katja (G) • Lili (G) • Mai Shiranui (G) • Mina Majikina (G) • Noel Vermillion (G) • Painkiller Kotone (G) • Pyrrha Alexandra (G) • Suchie-Pai (G) • Taki (G) • Wonder Momo (G) • Yukimura Sanada (G)
Spiral Chaos
AineAniAraneAryutta KatzCerateCharlotteCuteDoraHyuminaJeanLamicaLunaMaron MakaronMelissaPlumPuiaRanshel & SushelStellaTenkoTinoWeiss
Queen's Blade: White Triangle
JoanMeiTaylorProtagonist (White Triangle)FamiliarAoiReal Aoi
Queen's Blade: Limit Break
Minor Characters
AnaristaBelphe & DogorChild Of The DragonCount VanceCyanDelmoreDoguraDorothyFiotiel ShalaklardFlorelleFunikuraGlindaGreat Snake DemonHachielHansHead AngelHelosiumKanimKyuelLewisLinshangMaria VanceMargrave KreutzMichel RivarancielMime & MeenaOwenRanaSeabed KingSetraSiamTokiwa
Queen's X
Homura AkemiStella (DQ3)The Seven Stakes of Purgatory
Wandering Warrior
Inheritor of the Throne
Beautiful Fighters
(OVA: 12 ) 123456789101112Omake
Vanquished Queens
Books & Manga
Bitoshi Series
(Bitoshi Retsuden) 123 (Bitoshi Senki) 123
Sword Of The Unicorn
Vanquished Queens
Queen's Gate
AnthologyExiled WarriorHide & SeekStrugglePrincess Knight of the Blue StormZero
Another StoryCombat BooksExcellentExcellent 2FAQsFierce BattleNoble OathOfficial Visual Fun BooksPerfect Visual BookWhite Triangle Art Book
Spiral Chaos
An Angel's ScoldingBattleQB iMobileMusha-Miko Snake HellThe ColosseumThe ConquestThe DuelWhite Triangle
Miscellaneous Media
AmaraCalibara ForestDemon's GateElven ForestGainosGemstone MountainGreat Wall BorderHeavenHinomotoIron MountainKreutz MargraviateLarge Fang MountainLittle Elf ForestMel Fair LandShai-FangSheldan Free CityThe Queen's GateZanef
Holy PosesLocationsMusicQueen's Blade (Tournament)World Races