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Queen's Blade Wiki
Holy Fight


Kanji' 聖なる戦い
Rōmaji Seinaru Tatakai
Air date April 10, 2012
Opening Theme You Can Hear the Song of Life
Ending Theme Future is Serious
Episode Guide
Episode 33
Episode 35

"Holy Fight" is the thirty-fourth episode of the Queen's Blade anime.


Annelotte travels through the woods and stumbles into a battle challenge set up by a betting organizer. The organizer challenges female warriors to challenge a big muscular female warrior in a bid to win coins. Because Claudette had canned the Queen's Blade tournament, illegal fights like this are one of the few places people can watch female warriors fight for entertainment. The muscle woman defeats two challengers, but Annelotte shows up and easily defeats her. The netting organizer tries to recruit Annelotte for his scheme, but the crowd is broken up when they learn that Sigui the Inquisitor is in town.

Sigui and Elina travel into the village. Sigui goes about her business of greeting the people, while Elina gets bored and finds some shade to fantasize about Leina before leaving the village. At the same time, Annelotte hides in a nearby barn but gets groped by the muscle woman's land octopus. After making her rounds around the village, Sigui visits the local church and helps some young nuns with their holy poses. Sigui then holds a confessional at the church for the villagers to seek her guidance. At a bar, Annelotte learns about the confessional and also news that there is some mysterious magical fog in the Calibara forest to the south blocking the way of medicine transport. Annelotte decides to attend Sigui's confessional and seek the nun's advice on finding a life purpose. Sigui recommends that Annelotte submit herself to God, but when Annelotte refuses and the octopus shows up to attack Sigui, Sigui challenges Annelotte to a battle behind the church. In the battle, Sigui blasts Annelotte off of her feet with the holy flames. Sigui gives Annelotte one more chance to surrender, but Annelotte refuses, beats back Sigui's flames and strips Sigui of her clothing. The octopus interferes and gropes Annelotte, giving Sigui a chance to smite Annelotte with her flames. However, the groping somehow positions Annelotte into the Holy Pose: Fate, which defeats Sigui's flames. Sigui decides not to continue the battle and leaves after asking for Annelotte's name. After the battle, Annelotte travels towards Calibara, while Sigui tracks down the betting organizer and burns him alive.


  • When the octopus is groping Annelotte, her position and situation can be seen as homage to the famous erotic painting The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife from the Japanese artist, Katsushika Hokusai.

Queen's Blade
Airi (G) • Aldra (G) • Alleyne (G) • Cattleya (G) • Claudette Vance (G) • Echidna (G) • Elina Vance (G) • Irma (G) • Leina Vance (G) • Melona (G) • Melpha (G) • Menace (G) • Nanael (G) • Nowa (G) • Nyx (G) • Risty (G) • Shizuka (G) • The Swamp Witch (G) • Tomoe (G) • Ymir (G)
QB: Rebellion
Annelotte (G) • Branwen (G) • Eilin (G) • Izumi (G) • Laila (G) • Liliana (G) • Luna Luna (G) • Mirim (G) • Sainyang & Tarnyang (G) • Sigui (G) • Yuit and Vante (G)
QB: Grimoire
Alicia (G) • Cinderella (G) • Despina (G) • Goldie (G) • Gretel (G) • Kaguya (G) • Seiten (G) • Snow White (G) • Tiina (G) • Zara (G)
Queen's Gate
Akane 'Jubei' Yagyu (G) • Alice (G) • Cham Cham (G) • Dizzy (G) • Ink Nijihara (G) • Iroha (G) • Ivy (G) • Junko Hattori (G) • Kan'u (G) • Kasumi (G) • Katja (G) • Lili (G) • Mai Shiranui (G) • Mina Majikina (G) • Noel Vermillion (G) • Painkiller Kotone (G) • Pyrrha Alexandra (G) • Suchie-Pai (G) • Taki (G) • Wonder Momo (G) • Yukimura Sanada (G)
Spiral Chaos
AineAniAraneAryutta KatzCerateCharlotteCuteDoraHyuminaJeanLamicaLunaMaron MakaronMelissaPlumPuiaRanshel & SushelStellaTenkoTinoWeiss
Queen's Blade: White Triangle
JoanMeiTaylorProtagonist (White Triangle)FamiliarAoiReal Aoi
Queen's Blade: Limit Break
Minor Characters
AnaristaBelphe & DogorChild Of The DragonCount VanceCyanDelmoreDoguraDorothyFiotiel ShalaklardFlorelleFunikuraGlindaGreat Snake DemonHachielHansHead AngelHelosiumKanimKyuelLewisLinshangMaria VanceMargrave KreutzMichel RivarancielMime & MeenaOwenRanaSeabed KingSetraSiamTokiwa
Queen's X
Homura AkemiStella (DQ3)The Seven Stakes of Purgatory
Wandering Warrior
Inheritor of the Throne
Beautiful Fighters
(OVA: 12 ) 123456789101112Omake
Vanquished Queens
Books & Manga
Bitoshi Series
(Bitoshi Retsuden) 123 (Bitoshi Senki) 123
Sword Of The Unicorn
Vanquished Queens
Queen's Gate
AnthologyExiled WarriorHide & SeekStrugglePrincess Knight of the Blue StormZero
Another StoryCombat BooksExcellentExcellent 2FAQsFierce BattleNoble OathOfficial Visual Fun BooksPerfect Visual BookWhite Triangle Art Book
Spiral Chaos
An Angel's ScoldingBattleQB iMobileMusha-Miko Snake HellThe ColosseumThe ConquestThe DuelWhite Triangle
Miscellaneous Media
AmaraCalibara ForestDemon's GateElven ForestGainosGemstone MountainGreat Wall BorderHeavenHinomotoIron MountainKreutz MargraviateLarge Fang MountainLittle Elf ForestMel Fair LandShai-FangSheldan Free CityThe Queen's GateZanef
Holy PosesLocationsMusicQueen's Blade (Tournament)World Races