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Queen's Blade Wiki
Queen's Blade Rebellion Bitoshi Senki:Upheaval

ST and Shigi

Writer Tomohiro Matsu
Illustrator Eiwa
Release date October 5, 2010
Book Guide
QBRB: Senki
QBRBS: Showdown

Queen's Blade Rebellion Bitoshi Senki: Upheaval is the second volume compiling the "Illustrated Stories", the chapters that detail Rebellion's canon story on an episodic basis. Besides the 10 chapters that were published at Hobby-Channel's site, it contains 4 extra chapters, a few small summaries, and bios of the newer characters.


Beautiful Fighters Hunt[]

Risty and her comrades are suddenly attacked by an unknown party. Risty is helpless before the Swamp Witch's power, and is cursed.

Inquisitor Sigui[]

Wishing an audience with the Queen Claudette, Sigui arrives to the Queen's Castle. But, refusing to answer her questions, Claudette sends Mirim to fight her, and Sigui leaves disappointed after promptly defeating Mirim.

Coming! Twin Taimashi[]

Annelotte and Yuit go back to the Kreutz territory, where Yuit fights Tarnyang and Sainyang, who hold a grudge over their past encounter. Eventually, Yuit traps both of them and manages to reason with Tarnyang.

Demon Blood Again[]

Annelotte's Rebel Army clashes against the Queen's Army, and before the superiority of the latter, Annelotte has no choice but to give in to her demon blood, and break the road under their feet, falling into a canyon.

Mirim's Decision[]

When the Queen's Army hears that Annelotte is in the village of Wassilica, Ymir sends Mirim to burn it all down. Mirim can't bear to damage her own village and defies Ymir. When Annelotte saves Mirim from certain death, Mirim begs her to let her join the Rebel Army.


Searching for a legendary fortress her mother found in the Calibara forest, Yuit, Tarnyang and Sainyang enter the jungle, where they save a native, Luna Luna, from danger. Luna Luna agrees to guide them along.

The Fierce Tiger's Den[]

Annelotte trains under Maria, and when Maria mentions they'd need Risty, Mirim happens to know where she could be captured. Thanks to Maria's distraction, they infiltrate the building where the most dangerous rebels are kept.

Indomitable Heroine[]

Annelotte, Mirim and Maria find Risty, who has been doing heavy work all along to keep her captured comrades alive. When Annelotte and Mirim escape and free Risty's comrades, Maria and Risty fight their way through.

Yuit's Crisis[]

Yuit, Tarnyang and Sainyang fall into Elina's trap: she knew they'd go to the Calibara forest because she read the memo Yuit's mother left for her daughter. Besides, Tarnyang realizes that the one who stole from Shai-Fang was Elina as well.

Moonlight Dancer[]

With Yuit and company captured, Elina enjoys the banquet the Calibara tribe prepares for her. But their main dancer, Luna Luna, isn't fooled by Elina, and proceeds to fight her, a chance that Yuit and the others take to escape.

Battle in the Ruins[]

Yuit and the Taimashi twins discover the legendary fortress Bligh, and after fighting with Elina and Luna Luna, that were chasing after them, they manage to convince Luna Luna that they're fighting to save the Continent, and take the fortress.

Beginning of the Showdown[]

Sigui and Annelotte clash on the battlefield, and unable to understand each other's reasons, prepare to fight to the death.

End of the Battle[]

When Annelotte proves she was blessed upon by God, Sigui is convinced to join her Rebel Army, and together they fight Ymir's army of giant magic soldiers. But only when Yuit's party comes along with the fortress Bligh, they win the battle.

Ruler of the Desert[]

As the fortress Bligh travels through the Amara desert, they find Menace, who insists on making the fortress into her new royal residence. Mirim tells her she can't, but promises her the Witch's Castle if they win.





Queen's Blade Drama CDs Translation Bitoshi Senki Upheaval (1 10)


Queen's Blade Drama CDs Translation Bitoshi Senki Upheaval (2 10)


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Queen's Blade Drama CDs Translation Bitoshi Senki Upheaval (5 10)


Queen's Blade Drama CDs Translation Bitoshi Senki Upheaval (6 10)


Queen's Blade Drama CDs Translation Bitoshi Senki Upheaval (7 10)


Queen's Blade Drama CDs Translation Bitoshi Senki Upheaval (8 10)


Queen's Blade Drama CDs Translation Bitoshi Senki Upheaval (9 10)


Queen's Blade Drama CDs Translation Bitoshi Senki Upheaval (10 10)

Queen's Blade
Airi (G) • Aldra (G) • Alleyne (G) • Cattleya (G) • Claudette Vance (G) • Echidna (G) • Elina Vance (G) • Irma (G) • Leina Vance (G) • Melona (G) • Melpha (G) • Menace (G) • Nanael (G) • Nowa (G) • Nyx (G) • Risty (G) • Shizuka (G) • The Swamp Witch (G) • Tomoe (G) • Ymir (G)
QB: Rebellion
Annelotte (G) • Branwen (G) • Eilin (G) • Izumi (G) • Laila (G) • Liliana (G) • Luna Luna (G) • Mirim (G) • Sainyang & Tarnyang (G) • Sigui (G) • Yuit and Vante (G)
QB: Grimoire
Alicia (G) • Cinderella (G) • Despina (G) • Goldie (G) • Gretel (G) • Kaguya (G) • Seiten (G) • Snow White (G) • Tiina (G) • Zara (G)
Queen's Gate
Akane 'Jubei' Yagyu (G) • Alice (G) • Cham Cham (G) • Dizzy (G) • Ink Nijihara (G) • Iroha (G) • Ivy (G) • Junko Hattori (G) • Kan'u (G) • Kasumi (G) • Katja (G) • Lili (G) • Mai Shiranui (G) • Mina Majikina (G) • Noel Vermillion (G) • Painkiller Kotone (G) • Pyrrha Alexandra (G) • Suchie-Pai (G) • Taki (G) • Wonder Momo (G) • Yukimura Sanada (G)
Spiral Chaos
AineAniAraneAryutta KatzCerateCharlotteCuteDoraHyuminaJeanLamicaLunaMaron MakaronMelissaPlumPuiaRanshel & SushelStellaTenkoTinoWeiss
Queen's Blade: White Triangle
JoanMeiTaylorProtagonist (White Triangle)FamiliarAoiReal Aoi
Queen's Blade: Limit Break
Minor Characters
AnaristaBelphe & DogorChild Of The DragonCount VanceCyanDelmoreDoguraDorothyFiotiel ShalaklardFlorelleFunikuraGlindaGreat Snake DemonHachielHansHead AngelHelosiumKanimKyuelLewisLinshangMaria VanceMargrave KreutzMichel RivarancielMime & MeenaOwenRanaSeabed KingSetraSiamTokiwa
Queen's X
Homura AkemiStella (DQ3)The Seven Stakes of Purgatory
Wandering Warrior
Inheritor of the Throne
Beautiful Fighters
(OVA: 12 ) 123456789101112Omake
Vanquished Queens
Books & Manga
Bitoshi Series
(Bitoshi Retsuden) 123 (Bitoshi Senki) 123
Sword Of The Unicorn
Vanquished Queens
Queen's Gate
AnthologyExiled WarriorHide & SeekStrugglePrincess Knight of the Blue StormZero
Another StoryCombat BooksExcellentExcellent 2FAQsFierce BattleNoble OathOfficial Visual Fun BooksPerfect Visual BookWhite Triangle Art Book
Spiral Chaos
An Angel's ScoldingBattleQB iMobileMusha-Miko Snake HellThe ColosseumThe ConquestThe DuelWhite Triangle
Miscellaneous Media
AmaraCalibara ForestDemon's GateElven ForestGainosGemstone MountainGreat Wall BorderHeavenHinomotoIron MountainKreutz MargraviateLarge Fang MountainLittle Elf ForestMel Fair LandShai-FangSheldan Free CityThe Queen's GateZanef
Holy PosesLocationsMusicQueen's Blade (Tournament)World Races