Queen's Blade Wiki

Alzrius Alzrius 24 September 2012

Magical Queen's Blade

One of the aspects of the world of Queen's Blade that doesn't get discussed much is the nature of magic in the world. I think that's a shame, as the nature of magic is one of the defining factors of a fantasy setting, which Queen's Blade certainly is. Hence, this blog post is an attempt to categorize the various forms of sorcery seen in the Queen's Blade setting.

Before doing so, we need to quickly lay out some parameters regarding what magic is and is not, at least insofar as Queen's Blade goes. This is important, because there are some distinctly non-magical aspects of the world of Queen's Blade that are different from how things function in the real world.

The biggest aspect of this is in how the various fighters of Queen's Blade can func…

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Alzrius Alzrius 12 September 2012

A Crisis of Continuity

I've been a fan of Queen's Blade - and its related series of Queen's Blade Rebellion, Queen's Gate, and Queen's Blade Grimoire - for a little while now, and my enthusiasm for it continues to grow.

However, the more I look at it the more I notice that this is a series whose continuity is...I think perhaps that "smudgy" is the best word for it. Simply put, while the major elements of Queen's Blade are common across its various iterations, the details are not.

Some of this is inevitable. Between the game books, the anime, the various manga, the video games, the drama CDs, the collectible card game, the illustrated stories, the online profiles, the art books, and several other media that I doubtlessly forgot, some wires were bound to get crossed…

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