Queen's Blade Unlimited???
Hello guys a friend of mine in youtube told me there was going to be a new fourth queens blade series called Queens blade unlimited or QBU for short
Anyone knows details of this new series or is it a remake??
What do u guys think??
Fellow Queenbladers some Amv's I wanna share with you!!
Hello I find out about Queen's Blade in 2013. But I have only become more interested in it in 2016, Well I wanna share with you some Music Video Tributes I made for some of my favorite girls from the shows.
Hope you enjoy the videos:)
I hope I inspired you to tribute you favorite girls:)
Why didnt Annelotte participated in the 30th queens blade tournament??
Why didnt Annelotte participated in the tournament that Leina won??
What was she doing during that time??
What is the name of this Menace soundtrack??
When menace fought Claudette this song played In the background
Its also played during the scene in which she recluits servants
Anyone ones the name of this soundtrack or is it just production music?
Also I know they released a cd with soundtracks from the anime but I don't know if that song is part of the cd??
heres the link when she fought claudette
you can listen to it from 2:42-3:37
heres the link when she recruits servants
you can listen to it from 5:40-6:06
Will Queen's Blade go Mainstream in the Future??
Hello do you guys think that in some future Queen's Blade will air on Adult swim from cartoon network. Similar to how they aired Naruto, Dragon Ball z, One Piece etc.
Maybe in 2019, in order to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the original anime series:)
Do you think that the QB fanbase will grow in the future similar to those of mainstream animes??
Personally i will love to see QB dubbed in Latin Spanish it will be awesome:)
What do you guys think??